God thought Adam and Eve should fall....there was no other way for them to reach glory than to condemn all humans to sickness, suffering, murder, torture, etc etc etc? God seems lazy and indifferent at best.
Jon Preston
JoinedPosts by Jon Preston
Bible Atrocities
by Trapped in JW land ini really can't wrap my head around how people can still consider god loving with such atrocious biblical accounts such as, 1 samuel 15, (god ordering the slaughter of amelikite baby's and children) 2nd kings 2, forgot the verses (god sending bears to maul 42 children) and many others.have you ever asked a witness or anyone elsewhat they think about these accounts?
what was their response?
i'd love to ask one, but unfortunately i'm still physically in the cult and i wouldn't want to raise any suspicions.
17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!
by Jon Preston inwell my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops.
anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up!
it was like 17 missed calls!
Jon Preston
Well what a fine luxury for you oberon...some of us have wives or husbands with family in. My wife isnt at the stage where i can just DA and all will be honky dory. I am honest with myself. I know who i am and who i am not. I owe absolutely zip to them. I am free to do what i will. So point your fingers at me off your soap box, but remember how many others have had to do the same as me.
How am i leading anyone on? I havent said, "yes elder sir i will promise to be a better witness and get back to the meetings". I told them that we are great and that if we need anything i would let someone know. Gee that sure sounds cruel eh?
Plead your case to someone else, it has no bearing on me.
Thanks coma.
17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!
by Jon Preston inwell my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops.
anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up!
it was like 17 missed calls!
Jon Preston
And actually the scenario youve put forth seems more cruel to me than me just telling them that we are great and we will ask for help if we need it, which is what Ive done...so please stop assuming things Based on incomplete information
17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!
by Jon Preston inwell my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops.
anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up!
it was like 17 missed calls!
Jon Preston
for months oberon there wasnt much contact...then suddenly several drop bys without warning, constant phone calls? Asking if they should be worried? The same sister who asked that is the same who warned me to steer of someone in the ha because they had worldly tendencies and was spiritually weak.
And you may be accused of the same as I. Youre assuming i am cruel or hirting them when you have no idea how they are feeling nor are you fully aware. More the pot calling the kettle black.
Bible Atrocities
by Trapped in JW land ini really can't wrap my head around how people can still consider god loving with such atrocious biblical accounts such as, 1 samuel 15, (god ordering the slaughter of amelikite baby's and children) 2nd kings 2, forgot the verses (god sending bears to maul 42 children) and many others.have you ever asked a witness or anyone elsewhat they think about these accounts?
what was their response?
i'd love to ask one, but unfortunately i'm still physically in the cult and i wouldn't want to raise any suspicions.
Jon Preston
Kinda like how god told eve she would die if she ate the fruit without eve having the slightest inkling of an idea about what death was. Didnt know the consequences and was ignorant of disobedience until the disobedience was carried out. Yet God cursed us all because of a mistake of eating fruit and listening to a snake. Then punishes snakes instead of satan....yet he says hes merciful and loving. Hmmm.
17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!
by Jon Preston inwell my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops.
anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up!
it was like 17 missed calls!
Jon Preston
Heres the thing Oberon...they are spying...utilizing good little deeds to find out why we arent at meetings and what we are up to. I know the technique. I am in a different situation. I dont have family in. I live in a small town, love my privacy, and i know these loving acts are only to do one thing...save me from this spiritual weakness they all think i have. If they wanted to come hang out all they have to do is ask...but no its "can i drop by", "can i bring you somentoys my study gave me".......to me thats a ploy to spy. An elders wife whos elder hisband doesnt want to come and just hang out but is on secret society business under the guise of charity and kindness.
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Jon Preston
If god exists there and can do anything it makes him a tyrant. Or at least, human with special magic powers...
and i still have a problem with that because even if thoseen were caused to hear voices god creatd their bodies to react to stimuli, secrete certain chemicals and their body reacts. To have them just be caused to hear or see something with zero substance or zero molecular or atomic interaction (please correct me if im wrong) is kinda nutty.
17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!
by Jon Preston inwell my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops.
anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up!
it was like 17 missed calls!
Jon Preston
Wish theyd love me less lol sheesh. Sounds bad but yea...maybe i should DA lol
17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!
by Jon Preston inwell my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops.
anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up!
it was like 17 missed calls!
Jon Preston
Well my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops. Anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up! It was like 17 missed calls! A ton of "we miss you, how are you"'s and "Should we be concerned"'s and etc etc etc.
But i have to sympathize. They dont know any better and im sure their concern is sincere. But goodness...its like having an overprotective mom checking on you to make sure you were ok crossing the street to check the mail.
My resolve to move has increased 10 fold this week so im no longer tied to the troof at all...twighlight zone.
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Jon Preston
We God must be made of something inorder to create and interact with all those people from the Bible...certainly even speaking with thunderous power is measurable and would have to create sound waves right? So hed have to have something on the mollecular or atomic level in order for us to sense kr be affected. Must be why he stopped speaking so all could hear, he knew wed have devices to measure his sound waves.....(:-l).
Then comes the questions about where God got whatever hes made out of....God can come from nothing but the universe cant eh? .......but sorry to stray off topic.
Whats spirit again? :-(